Wednesday 20 April 2011

why am I so gullible

My gullibility has been tested too its limits. I counteracted my naivety and credulity with cynicism and anger  for so long that I failed to see the actual antidote to my gullibility.  My brother said to me that I see only the good in people and that is why I needed to balance my life with a partner who only sees that bad, for years he said to me you are not just soft hearted but soft headed.  I took it as an insult and did not hear the message, yesterday he said to me you are a soft hearted person and you only see the good in people.

For many years I could not tell if people were lying to me, I pretty much believed everything people said to me.  Now I have finally understood that the antidote to my simpledomness, yes it is a word as I have now created it, The answer to my simpledomness is infact a rigorous scientific analysis of the facts.  For example my not so gullible teenager gave me a version of the events which lead her to a and e the other night.  I believed her initially until I decided to act on the advise of my less gullible friends and family and examine the evidence.  She did not take account of the love of gossip in the town, and the easy access I have to the internet.  My spies were not long gathering evidence and when I put it all together the final version of events does differ from her version.  I know that each of us sees reality in different ways but her secrete bebo account is not so secret, the evidence is all there if only you search for it.  The approach of those less gullible than me is to expect everyone to prove themselves, to see if people match the talk with visible evidence.  I think I need a lesson in surveillance.  When I started to look for help on her recent escapades I found that there are so many people there to help, random strangers, friend with skills I never thought of using, people who know me better than I know myself , who can help me piece my life together in a way that makes sense.  The hurt ends here is a phrase that has been used alot today.  An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  We all have so many wonderful people there to help us.  We need to trust our instincts but what if your instincts are broken or have been brainwashed? Well fellow simpletons, remember to be gullible is not something you have to accept, nor do you neeed to counteract it with cynicism, you can learn to be less of a simpledom and ask yourself what evidence is there to support that.  So I am setting myself a task for teh next day I shall check the evidence I have for everything.  I wonder who I shall become when I have healed myself from this simpledomness, what will life be life without it.  It no longer matters to me why I have allowed myself the luxuary of being innocent.  I can take my place amoung the able-gulls of the world at last.

the antidote to gullibility; examination of evidence, the antidote to credulity, skepticism, the antidote to innocence experience.  I am an analytical, logical, experienced woman.  I am well educated,  intelligent, thoughtful, and observant. I no longer need to confine these qualities to my studies and my work.  It is time to be an adult in all my life and allow myself to become a complete person.  I do not need to take refuge in my innocence and pretend that I do not understand the bad stuff and the bad people I encountered as a child.  that little child is still within me but I the adult can step forward and heal her.

So I am off to see what my life is now like since I have given myself permission to grow up and be an adult.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for reminding me how far I have progressed since I wrote this , the cherry blossom is out again and I am so well now and so happy, keep going on your journey it is worth it, I am whole, I am healed
