Friday 15 April 2011

lessons of the amazon guriella breastfeeding women

i was a member of La leche league after my first child was born until my younger child was around 3 and fully weaned.  I learned the art of mothering from many of the beautiful and wise women I met through that great organisation.  when I depressed I lost alot of my memory and while I was stressing before I depressed I ignored many of the things I learned since I became a mother.  When I found out I was pregnant with my first child I thought I would rather have been told I was dying.  I never wanted children and my relationship with my daughters father was not one that I thought was suitable to bring a child into, apologies for grammar there. I decided to have an abortion as this is what all sensible girls do , and I was a sensible girl.  but my hormones and my body decided that this was not something to be sensible about.  Through a series of encounters I ended up at the hospital to see if I was still pregnant and while waiting for my scan I met a woman who changed my life.  She had just had a miscarriage and I thought that I had had one, no point in paying for an abortion if it was not needed, to make a short story long, as we say here, she extolled the joys of motherhood, the pleasure of bringing children into the world, the joys of nurturing than and was championing the case of home births in rural Ireland.  When I had my scan I saw the little life was still there, the doctor was overjoyed as he usually only got to see empty wombs at that clinic.  He pointed out the little prawn like creature that was my lovely daughter , she looked like a prawn, a big giant eye like thing and a tail, he told me that the blinking eye thing was her heart and she was alive.  It was magical.  I was no longer afflicted by a shameful and life ending tragedy but instead I had a life growing inside me, maybe he would be a scientist and cure cancer( I thought I would be having a boy) maybe he would be a great sportsman.

All I knew was I loved that little creature and I would always love him.  He was christened prawney at 7 weeks and 3 days old foetus age.  That day I learned more about what it was to be a mother than any other day in my life until yesterday when my lovely daughter cried like a baby and released all the pain and hurt she had been turning inward.  Being a mother is a wonderful experience but it does not stop when they are old enough to take care of themselves.  It is a gift of a lifetime from the minute they are conceived.  I met the lovely lady who had the miscarriage again when my lovely baby was 6 days old.  I was despairing of being able to feed my baby and was thinking I would have to resort to a bottle.  My partner decided that no child of his would be bottle fed and found the local la leche league .  I could not walk very well or even get dressed properly.  but the minute I went to my first meeting I met geraldine again, she glowed with the glow of pregnancy, as she had conceived twins, I was welcomed by that wonderful group of women as a sister, daughter and mother.  They showed me that we all need mothering, the phrase mothering the mother was one I heard often, mothers give birth , they give life, they nurture and care for others, but who cares for them.  We all need to remember the importance of mothering ourselves because if we fail to do that we have nothing left to give others.  My partner, now my ex husband, christened the group the amazon guerrilla breastfeeding women, he said that I could picture them going into battle, children on hips , breasts bared and the enemy running away screaming.  I had forgotten the lessons I learned there.  Besides mothering the mother my favourite was a chapter in the Womanly art of Breastfeeding , called Weaning gradually with love.  I always ask my children to make me tea with love as food always tastes better when it has been prepared with love.  Now I understand why I asked for that I was looking for nurturing too.  How wonderful would the world be if we did everything with love.  I can finally say I love myself unconditionally and am ready to live life with love.

So learn what you need to do to mother yourself, nurture yourself, remember the lessons of the past and live your life with love.  When you do have a habit you need to get change or something you need to move on from , do it in the manner of an amazon guerrilla breastfeeding woman; gradually and with love. The world is a small place full of the random encounter that prove to be major turning points in our lives, we are lucky if we can take the opportunities that the world is offering us and be open to and fearless of the possibility of change.

Happy Friday. 

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