Tuesday 5 April 2011

motto therapy; the day of the froggy socks

I love mottos and metaphors, they combine beautifully in many family crests.  I employ mottos to remind myself of priorities of an attitude I need to develop.  I employ metaphors to help me to understand a situation.

Ready, Steady, Go. 

My fathers motto was moderation in all things.  I was not fully aware of it until I heard a first cousin say it one day.  I realised that it was a family motto, probably to counteract the alleged excess of one member of the family many years before.  Poor chap got the blame for the family business going bust but with the wisdom of age it was probably the depression of the 30s that caused that and his excess was to counteract the despair of the loss.  Anyway, God do I feel confined by that motto.  Who wants to experience moderation. Do people say oh yes I had such a moderate day yesterday, the party was so moderate, the weather is so moderate.  I think I need a new motto, moderation in moderation.  I have developed a bit of an all or nothing reaction to my fathers motto of moderation in all things. I have instead a preference for excess and all or nothing.  If I cant have the best I will have the worst.

Since I came to the realisation that I was being crippled by my perfectionism I adopted the motto: BE AVERAGE.  I strive no longer for perfection instead my aim is to be average.  I think I shall change the family motto to Moderation in moderation.   I need a new family motto one that encourages joy, kindness, happiness and colour, not the greyness of moderation.  Perhaps I need to change my attitude to what moderation means , perhaps moderation is not the absence of excess but to have enough of everything.

One of my many mottos is : change your socks change your life.  This is all to do with colour therapy, balancing chakras, and creative visualisation and grounding yourself.  It started with my love of coloured underware.  For years I wore boring old white, then  I discovered the joys of cut price shopping at tk maxx.  Designer lingerie for €6 instead of €60, the yummiest colours and textures.  So I gave up the granny knickers and started to buy ones that were enough to make a pro blush.  Happy days.  But my socks were all still either grey or black.  One day I put on my daughters socks.    Red and orange stripes with frogs.  I felt happy.  I was working on feeling more grounded at the time.  I could not visualise the energy flowing out of my body into the ground.  I tried to do it while watching avatar, hoping that seeing them ground themselves would work.  Nothing, still all that energy whirling around over my head, in very beautiful silver spirals.  It was supposed to go back down my body and earth into the ground.  Try as I might I could not get it to earth.  On the day of the froggy socks I finally achieved it.  I could visualise the energy flowing into the ground, I visualised myself rooting into the ground.  I could feel it balancing.  Those spirals above my head finally had somewhere to go..  So hence the motto: change your socks change your life.  Every time I had visualised the energy flow out into the ground all I visualised was my black socks.  So its time to donate the black socks to the recycling.  Black socks did seem necessary for work but no more.  Why did I feel that black was the only couldou for my socks.  I am now the proud owner of many pairs of pink socks and white socks, some nice orange ones and.  I am searching for as many pairs of as many colours as possible.  Moderation in all things, I think not: moderation in all things except for socks.  There are so many ways to feel  good.  Art therapy, aroma therapy, music therapy, good nutrition, reiki, touch, getting a pet, lying on the grass, play therapy, my favourite and possibly my own invention;bubble therapy.  In order to find one that suits you, it might be necessary to try many new things.  Moderation is not doing nothing it is doing something, just not too much of everything, but enough of everything.  Moderation is enough.  Moderation in all things , ha, I think not, certainly not in colours.  On a more serious note, moderation does not mean denying yourself things.  It means giving yourself permission to enjoy life.  For me moderation turned into denial, denial of fun joy and happiness.  Giving yourself permission to enjoy life is not permission to do endless harmful but pleasurable things.  It is about achieving balance.  I finally have my new family motto.  Balance in all things.

Balance in all things

So put on your froggy socks, ground yourself and enjoy a healthy dose of balance.

Even larger elephants can balance too, just proving you are never too old to learn how to balance.

Todays blog was brought to you curtosy of the Proclaimers, Sunshine on leith.
In summary todays therapy is sock therapy, go out and search for a pair of socks that makes you feel good, go home, bake your favourite cookies, put Sunshine on Leith on your ipod, and enjoy your cookies and coffee while lounging in your favourite place in the house, or outside the house, why not have a picnic, if the weather is good, but remember to wear your happy socks.

Happy Tuesday

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