I use the tarot cards to help me identify emotional blocks and help me find ways of answering my own questions. I allow the imagery to open up new ideas to me and aid meditation. I love the healing spread best of all.
Healing spread
1: 5 of swords, The emotional block : An interesting facet of this card is revealed by symbolism in the Rider-Waite scene. It shows a man with two swords lying at his feet - the spoils of his victory. But he already had three swords, and his trophies really represent nothing more than a hollow victory. It is plausible that the two "defeated" men were really not defeated at all; they simply laid down their arms and walked away. They either knew they would lose, or they knew winning would be a pointless exercise. And by choosing not to fight, they are really the winners here, because he who knows when to fight, and when not to fight, will be victorious. http://www.ata-tarot.com/resource/cards/
I dont use the waite rider cards as I learned on these and they represent my interest in fortune telling. I use the mythic tarot now as I think it is better for subconscious insights. the cards are very beautiful and dont contain some of the scary imagery of the occult ones.
Summary I must face my own limits and not engage in battles just for the sake of winning them. emotional block is therefore not being able to accept my limits and not heading the advice of others when to back down or when to walk away from a conflict.
2: 8 of cups, Wow this past relationships card is so pointent, the woman walks down the steps past the cups with her eyes downcast. She is leaving behind her love. I am leaving behind mine and my foolish dreams. I always had unrealistic expectations of my relationships. I wanted them to help me be happy but now I dont need that anymore. I can heal myself and be happy on my own.
3: Present relationships, 3 of cups. I love this card , for me it means that there is an abundance of love in my life and I can see it. so often I get the 4 which usually means that I am not aware of or open to the love around me.
4: Revelation , Temperance, lol moderation in all things as my dad would say. here iris is poursin water between two cups with a rainbow int eh background . I must lean r to have a balanced heart. Balancing myself , my life and family is what has been reveled to me and I think I need to look at a new image. for years I saw myself as juggling now I am balancing, a see-saw, a plate spinner, scales, balance.
5: guidance, king of cups, father figure hmmmm not sure instinctively what that is. this card is about emotional growth , this is the one to contemplate I think as I cannot immediately see the point of it. I can interpert most cards quickly and fit them into the story but in this casr I cannot .. Is it a person, is it me, I am needing guidance on a life changing decision and was thinking about the last time I bought a house I asked for my dads advice. I suppose I wanted him to say no in someways. I wanted honest feedback. but he wanted me to be happy and said go ahead. Later he told me that he had reservation but saw that I really wanted it and gave me the advise against his better judgement. I suppose this is saying to me Be cautious from whom you take advise and balance it all up.
6: spiritual lesson: 3 of wands, Never let failure set you back, learn from all of your mistakes and snatch victory from the jaws of every defeat.http://www.ata-tarot.com/resource/cards/
in this card in the mythic tarot he is getting the spoils of battle but he has a long road ahead. wands is pure energy that has yet to find its outlet.
In summary I am in a good place but must be mindful from whom I take advise and how i proceed. Learn from past lessons and enjoy the abundance of the love that surrounds me. I have completed one phase of my life and I have to work hard to succeed at my goals.
I think it is time to take a realistic look at my goals and take some timeout to contemplate what it is I really want.
BAlance in all things.
Balance in all things and all things in balance. |