Saturday 21 May 2011

reality, serendipity , and more Ráiméis

I had a comment from someone on a photo I sent them, she never saw herself in the way I portrayed her in a photo.  I take lots of photos now.  that is because early in my episode I was not forming mental picture memories in the same way as I had been able to and I wanted to remember some of the frosty days of early winter that were so rare and beautiful.  I think my mental space for images was choca-block and since I discovers the joys of digital photographs I can instead capture it , I was going to say in film but how do you say that for digital, I suppose you say digitally.  It got me thinking or reality.  I had viewed photography more as the capturing of an image and not art , but it was only after that comment and my viewing of The Guest of Cindy Sherman that I realised the it is just another representation of reality.

She does not look like a hippy as she thought I had just captures the essence of the really relaxed day when I won a days rally driving as part of a radio phone in competition to find the best place in Ireland on a sunny day.  It was the first day of summer and we were all relaxed.  I never realised how much of ourselves we put into  things we create.  We all influence our environment and every one we meet.  I never realised until recently how much we do for both good and bad.  when I was hurtling towards the dark night of the soul there were so many warning signs, many people tried to show me the error of my ways, but I knew best or so I thought.  I was only open to the negative comments.  But now I am open to them all, good bad and indifferent.  I pondered the oddness of today and concluded that it was odd because I have been frozen for so long.  Now I am fully defrosted and loving it.  When I write my posts I usually start with the title as a thought and just vomit out everything that follows but today I was interrupted before I finished and for one I saved a post before that thought stream was concluded.  For some reason I thought about the events of the past week.  And I thought about how best to describe the connectivity I am now experiencing. Serindipity. It had to be the most wonderful word in any language, apart of course from -ádh which is one of my other favourite words, and of course the very lovely "piseog" . I of couse am a sucker for any piseog in any language.  It was fortuitous that I was in fact interupted both today , as it helped me follow a more intersting train of thought, and for the last 6 months, as that helped me "find myself" I suppose I was lost as well as depressed.  The anxiety has not yet left me but as a friend pointed out , sure werent you always like that but you just took no notice of it.  Well from now on I will be taking plenty of no notice of Tina and she can go off and visit someone else.  How could I not forget the best irish word of all time, Ráiméis, its such a descriptive word. I suppose its best translation, another great phrase, is; a load of oul sh**te. 

my reminiscences about irish started when I bought an english translation of Peig at the annual school second hand book sale.  Her likes will never be there again.  I did not really understand what she meant when I was 15 but I do now, Ni beidh ar leithid ann aris, but so much more entertaining in the miles na gcopleen story. Any way enough of my endless Ráiméis-ings.

I will leave you with the most entertaining thing I ever saw in irish, an ode to the fada.

Happy Sunday 

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