I wondered for a long time how I would know I was better. I thought it would be when I felt happy , but no. I thought it would be when I felt relaxed, but no. I finally realised I was better when I was bored. I did not recognise the sensation of boredom for a while and then I realised God I am so bored. I think that moment , that flash of insight, was up there with the best moments of my life. I was bored and it felt so good. I of course enjoyed my boredom only briefly as the guinea pig squeaked and called for his dinner, and I of course obliged. Ah the joys of motherhood.
Remember to take the time to do absolutely nothing not in an avoiding way but in the spirit of the ideler. Even if you are a busy ant try being a grasshopper for just a moment and luxuriate in the pleasure of being truly bored and really idel.
Happy Wednesday